Spread real, quality messages to multiple social venues. You will get attention.
Luminali uses social media venues with just the right touch. Awarded every year since 2014 reflects the results. Socials can smell a rat in a second. When they turn, they turn quickly.
Pick the right venues and craft real messages with quality content. Then choose the right pace to spread those messages like seeds in the wind. Plant them everywhere and you will grow results and sector credibility.
Venues We Use
Professional groups
Sector Associations
Quotes we like
"The biggest mistake we see companies make when they first hit Twitter is to think about it as a channel to push out information."
- Tim O'Reilly & Sarah Milsten, Authors, The Twitter Book
NEWS: Awarded 8th Year In A Row! Latest is ‘Top 100 AI Influencer’ by Onalytica in 2021! See it on LinkedIn and posts on Twitter.
Leading industry organization ICMI awarded Andrew Neff in December 2020 as a 'Top 50 Thought Leader' in the customer service and experience sector for the third year in a row.